Vasti is said to purge or calm vitiated vata and further normalize its activities. Vasti is alleged to have a multifaceted activity that possesses preventative, curative, and promotional effects. As a result, it is recognized as the best course of therapy and a viable alternative to small surgeries. In contemporary medicine, enema is primarily used to remove feces from the large intestine, whereas in Ayurveda, Vasti is a route of drug administration for multiple actions, acting both locally in the large intestine and systemically on the body tissues, which is why it is considered to be a "Ardha chikitsa" as well as a "complete Chikitsa" due to its wider applicability and greater disease-curing ability. There are various types of Vastis, as described in ayurvedic classics. These are based on anatomical pharmacological and physiologic al points of consideration, their numbers and nomenclatures. • Anuvasana vasti ( medicated oil enema) • Kashaya vasti (enema using decoction )
